Today I'm adding 'The gospel and personal evangelism' by Mark Dever to the Master Reading List under the category of Evangelism (Available from Amazon).
Evangelism is the sharing of the 'evangel' - the good news that Jesus died for sinners. But most Christians struggle to tell this good news to others. If that is you, then Dever's book is just what you need.
Each of the book's seven chapters answer a pertinent question regarding evangelism:
(i) Why don't we evangelize? (difference excuses are listed and how to overcome them);
(ii) What is the gospel? (what it is not and what it is);
(iii) Who should evangelize? (everyone);
(iv) How should we evangelize? (honestly, urgently, joyously, prayerfully, Biblically, clearly, reflectively, with a church);
(v) What isn't evangelism? (imposition, testimonies, social action, apologetics, conversions);
(vi) What should we do after we evangelize? (bring them to church);
(vii) Why should we evangelize? (because of obedience and love).
The book is easy to read and well structured. The book is also enjoyable to read, partly because scattered amongst the solid Biblical teachings are helpful illustrations of evangelism from Dever's own work and the work of others.
The good news we have as Christians is simply too good not to be shared. So if you struggle to do the work of an evangelist, obtain Dever's book and start proclaiming the gospel today.
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