June 25, 2011

Death of children: Safe in the arms of God by Macarthur

Today I'm adding 'Safe in the arms of God' by John Macarthur to the Master Reading List under the category of Death of children (Available from Amazon).

The presence of death in the world is the result of human sin.  Yet we know that the Scriptures give hope to dying man - there is salvation through repentance and trust in Jesus' death for your sins.  But is the heavenly hope a reality for children (and adults) who, simply due to an intellectual inability, have never been able to comprehend their sinfulness and the message of the gospel?

John Macarthur tackles this important question in his small book 'Safe in the arms of God' by affirming that such people instantly go to heaven.  And this is not simply Macarthur's opinion.  It is backed by Biblical evidence. 

In an initial chapter Macarthur carefully teaches that God knows and loves every child.  He then shows that God regards children as innocents (using proof texts from Ezekiel, Jonah, Jeremiah) until they reach an age of moral culpability.  He also describes heaven and answers the question of whether you will know your child in heaven.  The book then ends with wise counsel on why God allows children to die and how to minister to those grieving the loss of a child.

All Christians should be prepared for the day when they, or someone close to them, may lose a child.  This book will help prepare you for that day so that you may be able to respond Biblically to God's decision to take away the child.

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